The Vivekananda Mission Asram aims not only to serve needy and down trodden people in the field of education and health but also provide the much-needed rehabilitation for them to lead a normal life at par with others. To fulfil this mission, the Asram is striving hard to ensure quality infrastructure. The Asram has set up a free residential Co-Educational school for the blind which aims not only to provide education to the blind students but also to make them a perfect citizen by uplifting their morality and spirituality. Besides this a number of training centers have been set up by the Asram where these students are trained in cottage industries thus providing them the opportunity to lead an independent life. An eye hospital is run by the Asram, providing exhaustive treatment in sub-specialty clinics like Squint, Medical Retina Low Vision, Child Eye Care, Glaucoma, Contact Lenses, Cornea & Tele – ophthamology. VMA also provides general medical treatment through homeopathic and allopathic charitable dispensaries benefitting thousands of out-patients for common ailments.